NYC Mayor Finally Admits Crime Is a Bigger Risk Than COVID

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ymgerman /

March 6th brought out a side of NYC Mayor Eric Adams that most people didn’t even think existed. Yet, PIX11 Morning News was there to capture it in all its glory. He now wants people to remove their masks before entering businesses in NYC. He believes that forcing people to be maskless will make it easier for the New York Police Department (NYPD) to identify criminals.

“Let’s be clear, some of these characters going into stores that are wearing their mask, they’re not doing it because they’re afraid of the pandemic, they’re doing it because they’re afraid of the police. You saw what happened over the weekend when an innocent store owner was shot and killed. The person had a hazmat suit on and a mask.”

This statement isn’t something he came up with on his own though. Rather, just days before NYPD asked businesses to require customers to show their faces before entering. “We are asking the businesses to make this a condition of entry, that people when they come in, they show their face, they should identify themselves,” said NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey.

While public health and other officials have been encouraging face coverings since the start of the pandemic, many shoplifters and robbers have been using them as a way to get away with their crimes. As a result, 2022 saw NYPD with the highest number of robberies since 2013, and the most major felonies since 2006. Despite Mayor Adams’ promise to clean up the city, it has only gotten worse.

Immediately following the press conference, Twitter blew up with people outraged over Adams’s request, even though he did clarify that they were free to re-mask upon entering. Thus suggesting a compromise that is fair for all.

David J Meyer said “This is ridiculous. Why would someone concerned about COVID feel safe taking off their mask the moment they enter a crowded, poorly ventilated space?”

@Roseymelhill claimed “He makes me miss DeBlasio. He is more worried about thefts than people getting sick. He has people thinking they don’t need masks here anymore.”

The level of distrust he has amongst the residents of NYC is amazing. While many who have been in the city for years see a new Mayor as a new opportunity to get some new ideas going and to change the city. With Mayor Adams being yet another Democrat in office over the last 60 years, there has been little policy change and little real advancement for the city.

That also might explain why people like Joo-Hyun Kang are tired of the mixed messages that also conflict with his reality. “Another BAD day w/Eric Adams as @NYCMayor. NYPD floated this last week & now he’s joined in to criminalize anyone wearing a mask & deputizing shopkeepers as cops. Folks still dying from COVID. I know someone who passed 2 weeks ago. F*ck this. Wear masks to take care of each other.”

Seeing these kinds of tweets makes you feel bad for them and their loss. However, it also serves as a reminder of the hell the Democrats have been putting the American people through since the beginning of this massive coverup and situational deception. As these tweets suggest, many who are against the suggestion of the NYPD and Mayor Adams simply did not read and comprehend the request. All they want the brainwashed to do is simply lower their face diaper, show their smiling face, then they can slip it back on.

Nothing says they can’t put it back on once inside, or that they need to leave it down for a significant length of time. Those who are that worried about COVID can hold their breath for 2 seconds, drop it, let the camera get a glimpse, pull it back up, and quickly exhale. Lest any of the natural NYC air make them sick.