If you haven’t figured it out by now, Black Lives Matter or BLM seems to have a bit of a leadership problem. And thanks to nine more federal charges, those problems don’t seem to be going away any time soon.
You might remember hearing about the Grants, in particular, about a year ago. Monica Cannon-Grant and her husband, Clark Grant, were indicted on 18 federal fraud charges. Unsurprisingly, most of those were tied to their supposed work with BLM.
You see, the Grants, in addition to being involved in their local Boston, Massachusetts BLM, also founded a group known as Violence in Boston or VIB out of the goodness of their hearts. Naturally, the group’s mission is to bring awareness to violence within the city and help those who may have been a victim of it.
But it’s a little hard to accomplish those goals when nearly all the money brought in to fund them is squirreled away and used for personal gain by the organization’s head.
According to the March 14, 2022 indictment, the first 18 federal charges included things like donor fraud, falsifying mortgage applications, illegally pocketing unemployment funds related to the COVID pandemic, etc.
It is believed that together, the Grants ferreted over a million dollars in donations and money raised for their supposed cause to support their own desires. Desires such as weekend getaways and $6,000 hotel stays.
And if that isn’t bad enough, the feds are now tacking on nine more similar charges against the Grants. That brings the total to a whopping 27 federal charges, which will undoubtedly end in some prison time.
According to the latest round of indictments brought on by the US Attorney’s Office in Massachusetts, these include “three counts of wire fraud conspiracy, 17 counts of wire fraud, one count of conspiracy, and one count of making false statements to a mortgage lending business.”
As the indictments continue, it is noted that these latest set of charges center around a scheme to “obtain and utilize pandemic assistance funds from the Boston Resiliency Fund.” While the city did not disclose the reason for the funds being given, it is presumed that since they were given to VIB and not the Grants in particular, those monies were not meant to be used for “personal benefits” for the Grants.
Additionally, the Grants illegally obtained rental assistance payments from the Boston Office of Housing Stability.
It is noted that the wife, Cannon-Grant, was also charged with mail fraud, filing false tax returns, and failing to file tax returns.
In total, it is believed that in addition to the more than a million that had previously been squirreled away, another $145,269 was taken time around.
For instance, a local department store awarded Grant’s organization a $10,400 grant to feed needy children. And yet, none of it made it to disadvantaged children. Instead, it was funneled through a church (with non-profit status) and then written as a check from the church to Cannon-Grant. Then about a third of that grant was used to pay the Grants back rent. The rest was never heard from again.
In another case, VIB received a $6,000 grant to aid at-risk young men. Again, not a dime of it was ever seen by those in actual need.
Instead, despite only having a measly $23 in total in the Grants’ personal bank accounts, they somehow managed to pay for a $1,200 hotel stay, meals, car rentals, and even “$145 at a Boston nail salon.” By the end of this particular spending spree, their organization’s account was in the red by some $500.
Similar spending patterns have been tracked all the way back to 2017 when the Grants first founded VIB. Hell, the couple even bought a car with donation funds in 2020.
Of course, the Grants claim that jealous black activists who have “partnered with white supremacy” are the reason for their demise, according to The Blaze.
But neither I nor the courts have found anything but greed to motivate these crimes.