Joe Biden has announced that he is kicking four African nations out of a trade agreement with the United States. The four countries have passed new legislation over the last year or so that criminalized things like sodomizing toddlers and disabled people, having gay sex in public places, and other acts of deviancy that are considered normal by Democrats. Biden has branded these new laws as “human rights violations.” Has anyone else noticed that gay sex and trans surgeries for children are about the only things that America is exporting now that Joe Biden is in the White House?
Biden sent a letter to House Speaker Mike Johnson last week announcing that he was kicking the Central African Republic, Uganda, Niger, and Gabon out of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). He claimed in his letter to Speaker Johnson that the four countries have failed to “diversify in politics,”—meaning that these nations are not behaving as sexually deviant communists, which is Joe Biden’s preference.
He also knocked the four countries for refusing to accept “internationally recognized human rights.” Isn’t that ironic?
Joe Biden has never publicly spoken out even once about his financial benefactors in China, who are violating actual human rights by keeping people in concentration camps for their religious beliefs. But when the Ugandan parliament votes to criminalize sodomy against a disabled person, Biden springs into action!
The Central African Republic’s “human rights violation” was to criminalize gay sex in public places. Seems like that’s kind of a baseline for any country that wants to have a civilization. You’d think we could all agree on a prohibition against buggery on the sidewalk or in a restaurant. But not with Joe Biden running show! You’re either going to be gay, or you don’t get access to the US trade markets or foreign aid while Biden is in charge.