Elon Musk Sides with Republicans and Real Americans for Election Integrity

Frederic Legrand - COMEO / shutterstock.com
Frederic Legrand - COMEO / shutterstock.com

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) introduced legislation in May that would help ensure that only Americans are voting in America’s national elections. You’d have to be a psychopath to oppose legislation like that. In fact, you’d have to hate your own children and grandchildren to oppose that. Who would willingly allow foreigners to decide the destiny of their progeny? Democrats, of course. Elon Musk is using his megaphone on Twitter/X to make his thoughts on the matter well-known.

Speaker Johnson started pushing his support for the election integrity bill prior to the Fourth of July holiday. Many on the left have voiced opposition to the so-called SAVE Act because it’s already illegal for foreigners to vote in American elections. While that’s true, existing federal law doesn’t do enough to prevent foreigners from registering to vote in the first place.

For example, there’s currently no mechanism to ensure that only American citizens are registering. This is especially true in blue states that automatically register people to vote when they get a driver’s license. States like California, Rhode Island, and many others do this, while also conveniently making it possible for illegal aliens to get a state driver’s license.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden has allowed tens of millions of illegal aliens to flood into our country in the past three years. Some estimates put the number as high as 30 million and we have no reason to doubt that. Even though the illegals came to America from 196 different countries, they all have one thing in common. They’re all criminals.

Their very first act in our country was to break our immigration laws when they unlawfully set foot on American soil. Does anyone believe these people would not be willing to vote illegally in our elections? If they have no respect for our immigration laws, they’re not going to respect our voting laws. The 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump—and the American people—by approximately 85,000 votes in five swing counties run by Democrat operatives. If just one 1% of Joe Biden’s horde votes illegally this November, that’s 300,000 illegal votes.

Growing numbers of municipalities across the country are also blurring the lines for foreigners by making it “legal” for them to vote. San Francisco, for example, lets illegals vote in its citywide elections. The foreigners supposedly can’t vote in federal elections, but does anyone believe that the Democrat-run city abides by this or does anything to prevent foreigners from doing so?

Finally, Democrats are calling for amnesty and voting rights for the illegal invaders every time you turn around. They believe these foreigners—who have no historical connection or loyalty to our Constitution or the Bill of Rights—should have a say in our children’s destiny. As mentioned, this is crazy and an act of hatred toward our people. The Democrat Minority Whip has already urged all House Democrats to vote against the SAVE Act.

Elon Musk didn’t mince any words on this, tweeting that anyone opposed to these sensible election integrity measures is a traitor and deserves the full penalty under the law as a traitor. That includes, under current federal law, a minimum five-year prison sentence and a $10,000 fine. At the more extreme end, it includes the death penalty. A person convicted of treason is also permanently banned from holding public office. Who could be opposed to that?