Sen. Joni Ernst (R-NE) asked the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration conduct a government-wide audit. The purpose was to figure out how many federal employees are dodging their taxes. The answer was not encouraging at all. Just in the IRS alone, the audit discovered that almost 6,000 IRS agents and contractors owe more than $50 million in back taxes.
Sen. Ernst was so angry with the results that she’s now introduced the Audit the IRS Act. The bill would require an annual audit of the IRS to see how many agents are cheating on their taxes. It also creates a zero-tolerance policy that must result in automatic firing and other penalties when an IRS thug is caught dodging taxes.
Ernst says the bill will be “ensuring these IRS bureaucrats are no longer allowed to live by one set of rules and enforce another on honest, hardworking Americans.”
Despite having full authority to fire any IRS employee for tax evasion, Joe Biden’s Commissioner Daniel Werfel has only fired 20 of tax cheats in the past three and a half years.
If your blood is not already boiling, you should know that the Treasury Inspector General audited the entire federal government. The report states that 149,000 federal employees owe a staggering $1.5 billion in unpaid taxes. Some of the employees have gone years without filing a tax return because they know there won’t be any accountability from The Swamp.
Joe Biden is still in the process of hiring a new army of 88,000 IRS agents to conduct even more audits on lower- and middle-income Americans. It’s infuriating. The IRS will drop an anvil on your life if you make a tiny mistake on your taxes, while the very same agents who audit you likely aren’t paying their own taxes