An alarming report from Germany shows that windmill farms can shed carbon fibers into the air that are just as dangerous to people and animals as asbestos. The carbon fibers are so small and abrasive that they penetrate the skin and lungs. They stay in the body permanently and they cause cancer. Governments have known about this hidden danger of windmills for years, but never warn the public or even mention it. Instead, they continue to push for more windmills to fulfill the globalist pipe dreams about so-called “green” energy.
There’s a big wind farm in Germany called “Windpark Wohlsdorf.” You can easily find it on Google Maps. It’s located directly east of the city of Rotenburg. Since they don’t have wide-open spaces in Germany, the windmills are planted right in the middle of family farms, amid rows of crops and vegetables.
In September 2022, the rotor on one of the windmills cracked. This was a brand-new windmill that had only been in service for a few weeks. Fourteen days later, the rotor snapped off where it had cracked. The windmill kept spinning for a few weeks after that incident.
During that time, the snapped-off rotor blade dispersed carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers into the air. CFRPs, also known as “nasty fibers,” penetrate the skin and lungs just like asbestos. Windmills used to be made with glass-reinforced polymers (GRPs) but CFRPs are cheaper and lighter, which allows the rotors to spin faster.
Every single person in the vicinity of that broken windmill is believed to have been contaminated with the nasty fibers it emitted. It’s not a small group of people, either. The windmill is next to the city of Rotenburg, population 167,000.
CFRPs are made from bisphenol A, which is considered one of the most dangerous “forever chemicals” that we’re always hearing about on the news these days. Scientists in recent years have been discovering forever plastics and forever chemicals in people’s bodies. They say they’re baffled at where this could be coming from.
Let’s see… there’s been a mad rush to install windmills everywhere in Western Civilization for the past few years. People’s bodies have recently been found to be storing forever chemicals and plastics in the past few years.
Can anyone help solve this big mystery?!
The deadly chemical emissions are even worse when a windmill catches on fire. The CFRPs are only able to burn at temperatures above 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit. When a windmill catches fire, it disperses a huge cloud of these “nasty fibers” in whatever direction the wind is blowing.
Here’s a group of windmills that caught fire near Williamson, Iowa in May after they were hit by a tornado:
4 windmills destroyed and one on fire from tornado near Williamson Iowa pic.twitter.com/Pb7m0DMxqM
— Aaron Rigsby (@AaronRigsbyOSC) May 21, 2024
Take a good look at the smoke those windmills are emitting. According to the World Health Organization, which is oddly in favor of lots of windmills, CFRPs are just as likely to give you lung cancer as asbestos.
Which sounds more dangerous to you? A theoretical one-degree temperature increase at some distant point in the future, or breathing cancer-causing carbon fibers from the nearest wind farm right now?
Any sane person would take their chances with the impossible and dumb idea that global warming is actually happening (which it isn’t). Our government knows that windmills emit these toxic chemicals. The World Health Organization knows. Yet they never say anything to warn people about it. What does that tell you?