International soccer player Abdelaziz Barrada collapsed and died from a massive heart attack on Thursday. The 35-year-old former Olympian was in peak health and still playing for Morocco’s national team.
Most Americans don’t realize it, but international soccer leagues have been averaging nearly one player heart attack per week for the entire 2024 season. Three players collapsed from heart attacks during a single week back in March. Many of the players are surviving their heart attacks because of new protocols the soccer leagues have adopted in recent years. Teams of paramedics are always standing by on the sidelines with a portable defibrillator in case they have to zap a player.
In related news, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says it’s time for every American over the age of 6 months to get their next COVID booster shot. The CDC continues to claim that the vaccines are safe and effective. If you’ve been keeping track on your vaccine punch card, this is now the sixth shot that Americans are expected to take to protect against a virus that seems to have disappeared for the most part.
Throughout the pandemic, we were all told that we must “follow the science.” This was code for ordering people to obey mask mandates and social distancing rules, for which there was no scientific basis. It was also used as justification to try to scare as many people as possible into getting vaccinated. Just “follow the science.”
Now that we’re a few years into this experiment, the “science” is not looking very promising. Unfortunately, the mainstream media and American public health officials don’t seem very interested in following the science any longer.
For example, the CDC and Congress still refuse to acknowledge that vaccine injuries from the COVID shots exist. Meanwhile, the Canadian government has begun executing people who suffer from COVID vaccine injuries.
Canada has something called the “Medical Assistance in Dying” program, or “MAID” for short. It’s a doctor-assisted suicide program. In October, a man in his 40s became the first person to be executed by his doctors under the program for a condition they’re calling “post-COVID-19 vaccination syndrome.”
Doctors determined that after the man received three COVID vaccines, he started to suffer a severe mental decline that included depression, PTSD, anxiety, and multiple personality disorders. The man was becoming non-functional and could no longer care for himself.
His doctors determined that killing him would be cheaper for Canada’s socialized medicine system than placing him in long-term care, especially since he might live another 30 or 40 years. They talked the mentally ill man into allowing them to kill him under the MAID program.
Here’s a question for the members of Congress and the CDC:
If vaccine injuries are a conspiracy theory and don’t exist, then why is Canada providing doctor-assisted suicide to people with post-COVID-19 vaccination syndrome?
Meanwhile, researchers in Mexico have just published a retrospective cohort study that was published in October. They found that people who receive the COVID vaccines are more likely to develop multiple sclerosis, a devastating neurological disorder. The research showed that a vaccinated person is about 1.35 times more likely to develop MS than an unvaccinated person.
The vaccine-induced condition also seems to disproportionately affect women. An additional 18 vaccinated women per 100,000 developed MS between 2021 and 2023, compared to an additional 12 vaccinated men per 100,000. The findings suggest that adults in the 18 to 40 age range are most at risk of developing multiple sclerosis because of taking the COVID vaccines.
Even people who appear to have suffered no adverse effects from the shots are learning years later that they had undetected problems. They’ve been altered at the genetic level and don’t realize it. Scientists in Denmark published research in the journal Human Reproduction showing that sperm quality among vaccinated men had declined by 22 percent.
The researchers have found that the sperm of otherwise healthy young men who received three COVID shots no longer behave normally. Instead of vigorously swimming, they paddle around in lazy little circles. After approximately a month in a suspended saline solution, the sperm begin joining together and forming complex 3D double-helix structures. Fertility doctors say they have never seen anything like it.
This aligns with the data that was leaked from the US Army’s Defense Medical Epidemiology Database in 2022. In the first six months after Joe Biden’s illegal and unconstitutional vaccine mandate went into effect, more than 20,000 US servicemembers were found to have been sexually sterilized.
The sad reality is that many men were chemically castrated by the COVID shots and won’t even realize it unless they visit a fertility doctor. Meanwhile, fertility doctors who are willing to acknowledge that something went horribly wrong with these shots are advising unvaccinated people against having sexual intercourse with a vaccinated person.
In a study published this year in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, scientists from Argentina discovered 55 undeclared chemical elements in the contents of the COVID shots. They studied the shots developed by Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, CanSino, Sinopharm, and Sputnik V. Every vaccine from every country had undeclared chemical elements from the Periodic Table in them.
You might not think that’s a big deal but wait until you hear which elements the scientists discovered. Lead, mercury, and arsenic were among 11 of the heavy metals discovered in the shots. Those are all toxic poisons to humans and they have no medicinal purpose. Chromium, nickel, aluminum, cobalt, and copper were also found.
The scientists also confirmed the presence of 11 lanthanides, otherwise known as rare earth metals, in the vaccines. These are heavier metals from the Periodic Table that are often used in manufacturing electronic devices, such as lanthanum, cerium, and gadolinium. Those would be useful if you want to build an electric car battery. Injecting them in the arms of a 6-month-old baby seems like something only a lunatic would do, though.
Because the pharmaceutical companies did not disclose the presence of the chemical elements in the vaccines, it is unknown whether this was accidental contamination or whether these were deliberately included in the ingredients for some reason. It’s getting difficult to give them the benefit of the doubt these days.
Finally, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled earlier this year that vaccine mandates were illegal and unconstitutional. The reason was that the shots are not actually vaccines. The ingredients of the shots did not fit any definition of a vaccine from the last 228 years of epidemiology.
The court also reasoned that since the shots don’t protect anyone from catching COVID, they are not vaccines. The shots are neither safe nor effective, the court declared, and therefore mandating them did not fall under the public health standard. Vaccines can technically be mandated if they stop the spread of a disease—but the COVID shots don’t do that. Just ask Tony Fauci or Joe Biden, who have both been jabbed multiple times and keep catching COVID.
So, here we are in the fall of 2024 and the CDC is once again urging everyone to get another booster shot. The question is whether anyone who has been following the science would actually be willing to get one of these shots.