Joe Biden will only be in office for less than a month by the time you read this. His political career has come to an ignominious end and he’s dying from old age and Alzheimer’s. He has nothing left to lose, so he seems determined to start World War III before the door hits him in the rear end on his way out. We’ve just learned that Biden bombed two countries on December 16th, without any authorization from Congress.
US warplanes blew up a strategic military building in the capital city of Yemen that day. Did you know that we’re at war with Yemen? Neither did Congress! The Constitution requires Congress to pass an authorization before the United States can go to war, but the White House has been ignoring that rule since 9/11.
“Oh, we’re not really at war with Yemen,” Biden supporters will claim. Really? How would you describe it if China blew up the Pentagon? Because that’s what Joe Biden just did in Yemen.
The same day, CENTCOM announced that it had dropped bombs on an ISIS camp in Syria, killing 12 fighters. Congress hasn’t issued a declaration of war against Syria either since the last time we checked.
The reality is that both of these countries are proxies of Iran. By launching brazen, unauthorized attacks on Yemen and Syria, Biden is trying to provoke Iran into a much bigger response against American forces in the Middle East. That would drag America directly into a two-front war with Iran and Russia.
The Deep State is furious that the American people just elected a new president who will keep us out of pointless and unnecessary wars. That’s why they’re desperately trying to start a major new war before Donald Trump takes office.