One of the most popular internet routers in the United States could be banned during the early months of the incoming Trump administration. TP-Link routers are made in China and they are the reigning number-one seller on Amazon. More than 65% of homes and small businesses in America rely on these routers for their Wi-Fi. Unfortunately, and not very surprisingly, TP-Link has been tied to Chinese cyberattacks on the US. The routers are even used by the Department of Defense and other federal agencies.
The US Justice Department, the Department of Defense, and the Commerce Department have all opened investigations into TP-Link. US authorities are expected to ban the routers early in 2025, so the action against the company will likely fall to the Trump administration.
Microsoft announced in October that it had deeply analyzed TP-Link’s technology. They found that thousands of TP-Link routers across the US are compromised by a Chinese hacking group. That network or compromised routers has been used to launch cyberattacks against think tanks, Department of Defense suppliers, NGOs, and several government entities.
TP-Link’s routers are sold in the US through a supplier in California. The routers are often full of bugs and security flaws when they’re shipped to consumers, businesses, and government agencies. Security researchers who routinely try to contact TP-Link about its bugs say the company never engages with them. It ignores every attempt to address its security flaws.
A spokesman for the Chinese embassy in Washington, DC, says this is all an elaborate plot from the imperialist American dogs who are attempting to suppress Chinese businesses. Blah blah blah. He added that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will “resolutely defend” the rights and interests of Chinese companies to sell their junk products to the US market. (We’re paraphrasing.)
If TP-Link’s routers are banned in America, it would be the largest action against a Chinese telecom company since President Trump blocked Huawei Technologies in 2019. Joe Biden, whose family of “alleged” criminals took millions of dollars in bribes from the CCP, has allowed Chinese telecom companies to extend their tentacles throughout American society for the past four years.
Don’t believe us? TP-Link only had 20% of the router market share in the United States as recently as 2020. Today, after four years of Biden sucking up to his CCP paymasters, its routers are in more than six out of ten American homes and businesses, and an unknown number of government agencies.
TP-Link routers are sold directly to members of the US military through online exchanges. Unclassified federal documents show that NASA and the Drug Enforcement Agency both have tons of buggy, compromised TP-Link routers that open them up to cyberattacks and spying.
Part of the reason why TP-Link has managed to capture so much of the market share in the US is because it often sells its routers for less than 50% of what other competitors charge. It’s easy to see how the CCP would view product dumping like this as an investment, especially if it allows them to spy on American homes and businesses and the federal government.
The good news is that banning TP-Link routers would close a major national security loophole that China currently has against America. The bad news… well, you might want to check to see what brand of internet router you’re using right now. It might have to be junked and replaced within the next few months.