DeSantis is Getting High Praise…Is an Announcement Around the Corner?

The Old Major /
The Old Major /

Ron DeSantis is one of the more conservative governors – and he’s been making a LOT of big moves recently. Many believe he is the only one who could take down Donald Trump in the GOP primaries. However, there’s just one problem: He hasn’t announced that he’ll be running for president in 2024. At least not yet.

Now, Wall Street Journal has been praising him. This is a big deal considering that most of the mainstream media like to point at DeSantis and say that he’s ruining the country. You know, with all of those “dangerous” policies that help to protect kids from being mutilated and ensure that porn doesn’t fall into the hands of kindergartners.

Wall Street Journal decided to buck MSM and say this: “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has a reputation as a cultural brawler, ready and willing to throw a right hook at Mickey Mouse, the College Board, the national press. To many GOP voters, it’s part of his appeal. But as Mr. DeSantis readies a 2024 presidential campaign, what deserves to get more attention is the agenda he recently helped usher through Tallahassee.”

That’s high praise from WSJ…and it’s about as close to an endorsement as one can get, especially if they haven’t announced if and when they’ll be launching a 2024 presidential campaign.

DeSantis continues to make a number of legislative victories – and that is helped as a result of the Republican supermajority he has within the state of Florida.

Still, DeSantis is making the moves that many have wanted to see. And as Wall Street Journal’s Editorial Board pointed out, he’s got an impressive record. They do point out this, though: “Mr. DeSantis will need a broader agenda for national revival when he enters the presidential race. But his Florida record of accomplishment will appeal to Republican voters who want a President who can successfully govern.”

Of course, they’re right. And we look forward to what that agenda may be if and when DeSantis comes out and says that he’s ready to not only be America’s governor but also America’s president.