This Active Shooter Picked the Wrong Target and Learned His Mistake Quickly

Sophon Nawit /
Sophon Nawit /

According to the political left, there is no such thing as a good guy with a gun. So why, then, do we have yet another example of just that?

This one comes to us from Las Vegas, where a man wearing a bike helmet and carrying a small rifle attempted to enter the lobby of a condominium complex and shoot the place up. But an armed security guard made sure that didn’t happen.

Video of the incident shows the suspected shooter strolling up to the building, taking aim, and then firing his weapon at the glass doors entering the lobby.

Immediately another shot from the other direction is heard and seen, shattering more glass and striking the alleged shooter as he realized his mistake.

According to KLAS-TV, when officers arrived on the scene, they found the would-be shooter, Andrew Warrender (32), still being held at gunpoint by the security guard and lying on the ground from his injuries. He had been shot “several times in the thighs and abdomen.”

Since his arrest and subsequent hospitalization, Warrender has been charged with two counts of assault with a deadly weapon, discharging a firearm in an occupied structure, and attempted murder.

The security guard later noted to the outlet that he had seen the shooter regularly over the last year and a half, as he was living at the complex as a guest of his uncle. The guard had never had any previous “issues” with him.

But for whatever reason, this guy suddenly decided to shoot the building up, or at least try to.

Had it not been for the armed security guard, he might have succeeded, and someone, if not several, someones, may have lost their life.

Of course, you won’t see or hear about this incident from pretty much anywhere, as it only proves that good guys with a gun actually do exist and that they can save multiple lives and end very dangerous situations quickly.