Code Pink protesters showed up outside of Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) home in San Francisco on Monday. It got ugly. Didn’t Code Pink get the memo that they’re not supposed to protest members of the Democrat Party? At one point, Pelosi yells at the protesters to “Go back to China, where your headquarters is!” There’s a lot to unpack in that little statement. Watching Pelosi operate when she doesn’t know the cameras are rolling makes you wish that we had a few Republicans in Congress who were as tough as her.
Code Pink is the anti-war protest group that came to prominence when George W. Bush was in office and launched the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. They came to protest Pelosi at her house this week because she hasn’t called for a ceasefire in Israel’s admittedly homicidal bombing campaign in Gaza.
During an interview on CNN over the weekend, Pelosi pretty much called for the opposite of a ceasefire.
“For them to call for a cease-fire is Mr. Putin’s message,” Pelosi told CNN. Pelosi went on to declare a wild conspiracy theory that Vladimir Putin is somehow financing all of the protests in America against Israel’s actions.
“Make no mistake, this is directly connected to what [Putin] would like to see,” she continued. “I think some of these protesters are spontaneous and organic and sincere. Some, I think, are connected to Russia. Some financing should be investigated, and I want to ask the FBI to investigate that.”
Everything is a crazy conspiracy theory that ties back to Russia somehow these days, according to the Democrats. Pelosi, however, let the cat out of the bag when the protesters showed up at her house. Many of the protests that take place in the US are actually not organic in nature. They are in fact financed by hostile foreign governments and have been since at least the 1920s in America.
Nancy Pelosi obviously knows more about this than the average mainstream media reporter, as evidenced by her response to Code Pink. Although in fairness to Code Pink, one of the protesters looked like an Asian lady, so maybe this was just a racist outburst from Nancy because they wouldn’t get out of the way of her entourage. It doesn’t seem like it, though. It’s more likely that this was a moment of honesty when Pelosi didn’t think anyone was recording her.
Everyone on the right despises Pelosi, and rightly so. But at least she isn’t a coward like so many Republican congressmen. Imagine the groveling that would happen if protesters showed up at their homes. Oh, wait. We don’t have to imagine. We already witnessed it in 2020.
When the Democrat Party activated their little foot soldiers in Black Lives Matter, Republicans immediately started apologizing for their racism. Some proposed legislation to change the names of military bases. Some of the truly cowardly, repulsive, and weak ones, like Nikki Haley and Mitt Romney, claimed solidarity with the domestic terrorists who were doing billions of dollars in economic damage to the country.
We’re surprised that even more Republicans in Congress didn’t curl up in a fetal position and write op-eds in the Wall Street Journal about how sorry they are for everything. None of them got up in the protesters’ faces and told them to run back to their sugar daddy George Soros.
Pelosi’s outburst at the Code Pink protesters ended up on Twitter, and you can see it here:
NEW – Nancy Pelosi: "Go back to China, where your headquarters is!"pic.twitter.com/a1SYqfR716
— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) January 29, 2024