The public in Great Britain is infuriated after learning that Bill Gates has been feeding cows with chemicals to make them fart 27% less. The problem—other than the fact that that is CRAZY—is that the chemicals are known to be harmful to humans. A massive boycott of the UK’s largest milk producer is underway and consumers are dumping milk down the sink. Why do governments continue allowing Bill Gates to tamper with the weather, the food supply, and human health just because he has a weird fear of sunshine?
Bill Gates is convinced that the debunked junk science theory of cow farts causing global warming is true. Either that or maybe he just wants to kill everyone by poisoning the food supply. Earlier this year, he invested in a company called Rumin8 that makes chemical additives for cattle feed. More recently, he dumped millions of dollars into another company called Bovaer.
The chemicals these companies put in cattle feed disrupt their complex digestive systems.
“Their stomachs are very special because they can eat grass,” explains Farmer Bill. “It’s a three-stage fermentation process, basically. There’s another way you can change what they eat, and you could either put that in their water or their feed.”
Whatever. The result is that cows produce 27% less methane when you pump their feed full of these chemicals. Gates is convinced that methane is a major “greenhouse gas,” which is false. He thinks that he’s saving us all from the weather by poisoning the food supply like this.
The main chemical ingredient they’re feeding to cows is called 3-nitrooxypropanol, or 3-NOP. That news isn’t been greeted cheerfully by the British public. 3-NOP is toxic in humans. Here in the US, here is the warning about 3-NOP that was issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA):
“3-nitrooxypropanol may damage male fertility and reproductive organs, is potentially harmful when inhaled, and is a skin and eye irritant.”
So, it’s got that going for it. 3-NOP also causes cancer. It’s considered a toxic substance by the FDA and should not be used in humans for any purpose, whether that’s medical, dietary, or otherwise.
Bill Gates is set to make a killing on this investment. His lobbyists have greased enough palms in the British Parliament that the government has now committed to feeding 3-NOP to all cattle in the UK by 2030.
One of the largest milk producers in the UK is a company called Arla. The public just found out that Arla has been feeding its cows 3-NOP for years without telling anyone. People are now dumping Arla’s milk, butter, fat-free milk, lactose-free milk, and dairy products out on TikTok videos. They’re announcing that the boycott will continue until Bill Gates’s anti-farting chemicals are out of the milk supply.
Arla announced that the 3-NOP doesn’t end up in the milk supply after feeding it to the cows. This is the same scientific community that claimed the spike proteins in the COVID shots don’t leave the injection site in your arm, so people aren’t likely to believe that. Would you take that risk with your reproductive organs by trusting Arla?
One of the most damning facts about 3-NOP is that when farmers feed it to their cows, they’re required to wear hazmat gear to protect their eyes, mouth, and hands. How can this garbage be good for a cow’s tummy?
You also can’t get around the fact that cow farts do not alter the temperature of the planet. Why do we keep letting Bill Gates get away with this stuff? Haven’t we learned our lesson yet?