In a race to see which Western government can become the most totalitarian in the shortest amount of time, Canada has taken the lead. The Trudeau regime has introduced a new “hate speech” bill that is so draconian that you could end up imprisoned—for life—if you posted something hateful on the internet. The rule would even apply to mean tweets that were sent years before the law was written. If you thought the recent hate speech bill passed in Scotland was bad, just wait until you learn about the Online Harms Bill C-63.
Trudeau’s new bill flies in the face of all legal traditions in Western civilization. If you do something today that is not illegal, you cannot be punished for that act if a legislative body passes a law against it tomorrow. Retroactive punishment for new laws has never been a facet of the rule of law in any Western nation—not ever. Because it’s insane and wildly unfair.
Yet the Online Harms Bill C-63 is retroactive. If you’ve ever said anything that qualifies under the new (and vaguely defined) version of “hate” speech, you can be punished for it. The bill retroactively criminalizes online speech that dates back to the very creation of the internet. Woke offense archaeologists will be able to mine anyone’s online statements going back decades and get them arrested. Oh, and they can potentially get a $20,000 reward from the government if they turn you in for sending a mean tweet back in 2006.
The bill only gets worse from there.
It would create a new hate speech kangaroo court that can pass judgment on people even if they’ve committed no crime. If a court believes that you might commit a “hate” crime or disseminate “hate propaganda,” it can have you placed under house arrest and banned from communicating with others via phone or the internet. If the court believes there’s a risk that you might get drunk or high and start mean-tweeting, it can force you to submit regular urine samples to the cops.
If you refuse to comply with any of the brand-new court’s orders, it’s off to prison for you.
The rest of the bill doesn’t even sound like it’s real—but it is. The maximum penalty for posting a mean tweet under this bill is either 8% of your gross global revenue, or $25 million, whichever is greater. Who wrote this garbage bill? New York Judge Arthur Engoron?
If you call for genocide on the internet (which, granted, would be rude), you can be sentenced to life in prison. You don’t have to actually kill anyone, and you don’t have to have spurred someone else to commit a murder or attempt genocide. You just have to suggest it, and you could be imprisoned for life.
People can also get a court to draft something called a “peace bond” if they believe you might say something hateful against them in the future. If that person can simply convince the court that you might say something mean in the future, you can be arrested.
Another section of the bill gives the Canadian Human Rights Commission the authority to subjectively determine what is or is not “hate” speech. The bill doesn’t even define what hate speech is, but you can trust the Trudeau regime to fairly come up with a definition in the future that you will be held to!
House arrest, life imprisonment, and a $25 million fine are the punishments that people could soon face in Canada for saying something naughty on the internet. As of this publication, only ONE member of the Canadian Parliament has spoken out against the contents of the Online Harms Bill C-63.