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lev radin / shutterstock.com

2005 Called, and It Doesn’t Trust Tim Walz for 2025

Well, well, well, here we go again with Democrats trying to rewrite history, this time with Tim Walz as the star of the show....
Andrew Leyden / shutterstock.com

How Many More Trials For Hunter Biden Before Dad Steps In?

Hunter Biden is at it again, folks, and this time, he’s called in the big guns—literally. As the son of President Joe Biden faces...
JHVEPhoto / shutterstock.com

Sanctuary State’s New Rule: Five Days and You’re Out

Federal immigration authorities in Massachusetts, a state that's been hemorrhaging millions to house migrants, are now on track to hit a record-breaking number of...
Ringo Chiu / shutterstock.com

Pro-Palestinians Plan to March at DNC

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators are planning to show up in full force at the Democratic National Convention, slated for next week in Chicago. It’s estimated tens...
Andrew Leyden / shutterstock.com

Protected No More: DOJ Admits Hunter Received Money to Influence U.S. Policy 

Hunter Biden appears to have lost his cover after his father, President Joe Biden, was booted from the Democratic presidential ticket. In a turn...
Visuals6x / shutterstock.com

Stirring the Pot: Trump Claims Biden to Attempt Countercoup at DNC Convention

Can you imagine how frustrating it must feel to be one of Kamala Harris’s campaign consultants right now? She’s so dumb that they haven’t...
hrui / shutterstock.com

Disturbing Report Reveals Hidden Dangers of Windmills to Humans and Mammals

An alarming report from Germany shows that windmill farms can shed carbon fibers into the air that are just as dangerous to people and...
Zack Frank / shutterstock.com

Secret Service Ends Investigation of White House Cocaine By Throwing Away the Evidence 

The Secret Service said on Monday that they got rid of the cocaine found at the White House last year after some disagreement about...
Juli Hansen / shutterstock.com

RFK Jr. Continues the Time-Honored Kennedy Tradition of Dumping a Body in the Woods

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. just can’t seem to get any traction with his flailing presidential campaign. He hasn’t even made the ballot in numerous...
lev radin / shutterstock.com

Media Ignores Key Point About Kamala’s Husband Knocking up the Nanny

“I know a predator when I see one,” Kamala Harris declared during her acceptance speech at the 2020 Democratic National Convention. It was a...