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lev radin / shutterstock.com

Liz Cheney Bashes “Dangerous” Mike Johnson

They say if you want to know a person, look at his enemies. Well, for newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson, one of his...
Drazen Zigic / shutterstock.com

Can AI Fix the Worker Shortage for Veteran Healthcare?

Veterans have been struggling to get the healthcare services that they need. Many are told that they have to wait months before getting an...
Gorodenkoff / shutterstock.com

Update: Court Rules Canadian Families Can’t Sue the CIA for Mind Control Experiments

The Quebec Court of Appeal has ruled that Canadian families cannot bring a class-action lawsuit against the CIA, the US government, and the Canadian...
Blue Planet Studio / shutterstock.com

Auto Execs Admit the Electric Car Industry is a Money-Losing Dog

The bloom is officially off the rose when it comes to the electric vehicle (EV) pipe dreams of people like Joe Biden, California Governor...

Biden Will Officially Be Left Off First Primary State’s Ballot

With state primaries quickly approaching, it's crunch time for presidential candidates who want to have their names appear on state ballots. For incumbent Joe...
Studio Romantic / shutterstock.com

41 States Sue Meta/Facebook for Causing Mental Illness in Children

Almost every state in the union has now filed lawsuits against Meta (formerly Facebook) for causing mental illness in children. The company is accused...
Robert P. Alvarez / shutterstock.com

Two Years Later and ICE Finally Catches Child Murderer Biden’s DHS Warmly Welcomed

President Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been increasingly less careful with the people they catch and release into the country. Their lack...
Tongpool Piasupun / shutterstock.com

Pentagon “Concerned” About Troops in the Middle East As Biden Forgets About Them

Painting a very conflicting and concerning picture, President Biden and officials from the Pentagon seem to be on very different pages when it comes...
Skycolors / shutterstock.com

Off-Duty Pilot Decides He Wants to Fly the Plane

If you’ve ever been uneasy about flying, this story isn’t going to suddenly put you at ease. On a recent Alaska Airlines flight headed...
Bambax / shutterstock.com

Victoria’s Secret to Fire the Ugly Men in Lingerie and Bring Actual Sexy Models...

Someone in the advertising department of Victoria’s Secret made a catastrophic decision to make Megan Rapinoe their new brand ambassador. Rapinoe is an ugly,...