Two wealthy gay activists have been sentenced to 100 years in prison for raping and pimping out their adopted special needs children to a ring of pedophiles in the Atlanta, GA area. Their palatial Georgian-style mansion was described as a “house of horrors” during the trial because of the rampant sexual abuse of the children that they adopted through an expedited process. If this story doesn’t make Americans rethink the whole “live and let live” libertarianism that led to this atrocity, nothing will.
The two men involved in the case are Zachary and William Zulock. They’re not brothers. They’re a pair of sodomites who tied the knot in a “gay marriage” back in 2017. This story actually starts earlier than that, however.
Back in 2011, Zachary Zulock was investigated for luring a 14-year-old boy to a house and sexually abusing him. No charges were filed and there wasn’t much of an investigation conducted by the Walton County Sheriff’s Office.
In a written statement to Townhall, the Sheriff’s Office stated, “The 2011 case was handled in a manner that is inconsistent with today’s current investigatory standards.”
Just one year after they were “married” and seven years after Zachary had been investigated for raping a child, the couple adopted two special needs children from a special needs adoption agency in Georgia called All God’s Children, Inc. It was supposedly a Christian adoption agency, which has since shut down. All God’s Children did such a great job vetting potential parents that they failed to notice that Zachary Zulock was a suspected pedophile, or that Zachary and William were both heroin addicts.
A relative of the two victims states that they believe the whole reason the Zulocks adopted the boys in the first place was because they intended to sexually abuse them. After the two men passed a criminal background check, the victims were immediately placed in their home through an expedited process. A normal adoption by heterosexual parents takes a minimum of six months before that happens. Just seven months after the children were placed in the “house of horrors,” the state of Georgia made the adoption official.
The abuse that the two boys went through is too horrifying to describe here. The older of the two special needs boys, who is now 11, had to have surgery for the sexual injuries inflicted on him by his two “dads.” Charges are still pending against other men who the Zulocks pimped the boys out to on social media.
They didn’t get caught because of any law enforcement or state agency that was looking out for the two boys. The state was only too happy to place two special needs kids in the home of heroin-addicted pedophiles so they could claim they were “fighting the stigma” against gay couples. The reason why the Zulocks got caught was because the cops caught another pedophile with child porn of one of the victims on his iPhone. He confessed that Zachary, a banking executive, and William, a government employee, had allowed him to rape the child multiple times. (But remember, the news media insists that QAnon was a big conspiracy theory! Bankers and government employees and politicians don’t belong to elite pedophile rings!)
Even though the Zulocks were arrested in 2022, police are still tracking down more suspects in the Atlanta-area pedophile ring. The Zulocks were only too happy to share videos and images of the abuse with other like-minded homosexuals.
Does everyone realize that this is where things were always headed when the Supreme Court suddenly discovered “gay marriage” in the Constitution in 2015? Hopefully, the newly reconstructed high court that came about during the Trump administration will take a new look at the second-worst Supreme Court decision in history. This needs to never happen again.