Joe Biden’s climate czar, John Kerry, has been the Democrat Party’s leader for a notoriously bad record ever since he ran for president in 2004. Out of all the Democrats who have run for president in the history of polling, Kerry has held the record for the all-time lowest approval rating among Hispanic voters. Kerry can now rest easy because Kamala Harris has blown his record out of the water. According to two new polls, Hispanic voters have an almost visceral dislike of Harris.
When Kerry ran in 2004, his approval rating with Hispanic voters was at 53%. That is seriously low for a Democrat candidate. It’s hard to imagine why a Massachusetts snob with a private yacht would have difficulty connecting with Hispanics. That will just have to remain one of life’s big mysteries!
To put things in a bit of perspective before we share Kamala’s numbers, it’s worth remembering how Hispanics voted in some past elections. Since the 2020 election, the media has gone out of its way to not look too closely at the results (since the race was stolen and they know it). However, the best estimates for that election show Joe Biden drew 61% of the Hispanic vote to Trump’s 37%. In the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton won 66% of the Hispanic vote compared to Trump’s 28%.
So, it’s normal for Democrats to hit in the 60th percentile range with Hispanic voters. Obama actually hit 71% support in his 2012 race against Mitt Romney, after he declared an illegal amnesty through the DACA program. John Kerry drawing 53% support is pretty low by comparison.
Two new polls from Quinnipiac and Forbes/HarrisX show Kamala Harris destroying John Kerry’s record. Both polls show Harris’s support at 39% among Hispanic voters. The Quinnipiac poll estimates that Trump will win the election by a 50-41 margin over Harris, with the two of them tied at 39% of the Hispanic vote. The Forbes/HarrisX poll shows Trump winning the election 45-41, with both drawing 45% of the Hispanic vote.
Hispanics hated John Kerry but he still managed to muster 53% of their vote. Kamala Harris has broken that record by a 14% margin! What accounts for Hispanics hating Harris so much?
A big part of the problem is likely the appalling racism that the Biden-Harris regime had toward Hispanics—especially Jill Biden. They had to have been surprised by that after giving Joe Biden 61% of their votes in 2020.
At a breakfast for Hispanics in Austin, TX, last year, Jill Biden awkwardly chanted, “See! Say! Puh-wad-WAY!” at the crowd. She had badly butchered Barack Obama’s childishly simple, “Si! Se puede!” chant. This was the same event at which she said that Hispanics are as diverse as breakfast tacos.
Kamala Harris herself wasn’t free from strange gaffes in front of Hispanic voters. On a trip to Puerto Rico a few months ago, a group of folk singers started playing a tune that insulted her directly to her face because of the Biden regime’s terrible lack of help after the most recent hurricane. A clueless Harris started clapping and dancing to the song until an aide informed her that it was criticizing her.
These disastrous numbers for Kamala Harris seem to accelerate the doom loop that Democrats have found themselves in since they failed to assassinate Donald Trump on July 13th. Everything feels like it’s spiraling out of control for them this summer. Kamala Harris should be worried that her party’s elites will still knife her in the back at the convention in August. As for John Kerry, he should sleep better these days knowing that Kamala has taken his crown away.