Barring some obscure scenarios, the November ballot will come down to incumbent Joe Biden for the Democrats and former President Donald Trump returning to the Republican ticket. So far, nobody has posed any real opposition to Trump, and it doesn’t seem likely anyone will. As of mid-February, there isn’t a single person making a big, loud, or even well-known challenge to Biden’s position.
However, Father Time has entered the chat.
Of all the adversaries man faces in his lifetime, the only one that remains undefeated has been Father Time. Biden came across as somewhat sane while serving as a Senator and even during his eight years as Vice President under Barack Obama from 2009-2017. Showing signs of senility when he came back and stole the Presidency in January 2021, he has gone downhill at an extreme rate.
Already deemed too mentally incompetent to stand trial for illegal possession and mishandling of classified documents, he is also showing incredible signs of physical disability. With his frequent need to take senior citizen-style vacations and daily nap times, it seems like Father Time is trying to tell him to slow down. As many Americans who are his age can tell you, the signs of poor physical health he has been showing as of late can mean he could be in a pine box instead of a ballot box by way of natural causes come November.
If that happens, that will mean it’s time for Vice President Kamala Harris to take office. As not only the first woman but the first African American woman to achieve the Presidency, the 59-year-old would likely feel pressured to lash out. Her previous statements while on the presidential campaign trail in 2020 alluded to the fact that she’s likely to try and shove the country into socialism.
Classic socialist topics like Medicare, Social Security, and child labor laws would naturally get a massive expansion. However, she would also start shoving a skyrocketed minimum wage on the American people in short order, as well as extensively increased taxes. Her quest to make health care suddenly free and covered by the government, in a “Medicare for all” program would turn the healthcare industry on its head.
Knowing that this would cripple Americans financially via tax deductions, it has been heavily rumored that she has plans for the government to provide subsidies for various taxes and other programs to make sure that it remains affordable. Never mind the fact that this will ultimately make our dollar even more worthless and result in the American people being more dependent on their government than ever before.
This would also lead her to need to choose a new Vice President. Needing someone who is as dedicated and a slave to the liberal agenda as Harris would be sending into socialism. While multiple people could work well with Biden on re-election, not all of them would work with Harris.
Pete Buttigieg is currently the US Secretary of Transportation. While there were some dust-ups with Harris on the campaign trail in 2020, they have worked together often since Biden took office. Their work on special pet projects that have socialist undertones makes him an ideal VP, and his status as a married gay man would give her extra independent voters. He’s strongly anti-conservative and would love to divide the nation just as much as Harris would.
Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA) would be a natural second choice. Having worked closely with Harris when she was a District Attorney in San Francisco as he was the mayor, then-Attorney General, then US Senator while he was the Lt. Governor, and now Governor. They know how the other thinks and tend to play to the liberal fanbase with ease in public and private. They have backed each other’s play at every turn. Taking no prisoners and making no apologies, they have made California, and especially San Francisco, a literal cesspool.
Taking the bronze medal in this “special” race is Lauren Underwood. Just 37 years old, she would be the “young” voice many claim we are missing in the upper levels of American government. Currently serving as a Representative for Illinois’s 14th Congressional district, she is a registered nurse and has spent extensive time working for the US Department of Health and Human Services. Representative also of the African American community, her non-law-based background gives her an extra edge to reach non-party line voters.
While Petey is the clear front-runner because of what he could do for her re-election potential, he is also the safest bet for allowing her to run unchallenged. Buttigieg has made it very clear during his previous clashes with her that he doesn’t have the backbone to stand up to her or go against her concisely and directly.
Newsom plays the role and does it well, but he is also the most likely to challenge her in ways she doesn’t want to be challenged. His missteps since she’s been away and past accusations of improprieties between the two make him a risk.
Underwood isn’t a bad decision, but her lack of hands-on high-level politics, as well as with the mainstream media, leaves her as a concern. As a potential wild card, it could be easy to get her backed into a corner she can’t easily talk out of.
No matter what way she goes, the socialist agenda would begin within hours of her being sworn in. She would barely let the dirt hit Biden’s box before her reign of terror would begin going towards full execution. For the American people, this isn’t the kind of leadership they can knowingly support or want to live under. It’s why she wasn’t elected to the Democratic ticket and needed to ride with Biden.
You can also bet she would be making these kinds of changes, all the while telling the American people that this was being done for the greater good. From making things “equal” to “the greater good,” she will have no shortage of excuses for using executive orders and veto power with no hesitation.
But how long will it be until we see the changes in our face?
The answer will all depend on when it happened. Anything less than 90 days before the election, and it won’t happen until a ruling on Biden’s delegates, and about how the nation needs to proceed with moving on following his death announcement. While she would be sure to assume the office at least in the interim so we have someone “qualified” at the helm, there is no telling if there may be a delay in anything for election day.
From 91 days or longer from the election, she would have enough socialist views, programs, and agenda items instituted so people would notice within 60 days. This would be a slow burn process, with things coming in the middle of the night; just like they did during the Obama administration. This would ensure the agenda could be passed with the least amount of mainstream coverage on it. It would also lessen the ability of the American people to rise and demand she stop.
This kind of change is one the American people would quickly realize is a huge nightmare. Just like we have seen with numerous other pieces of the liberal socialist agenda.