Now that Kamala Harris has been installed as the unelected de facto dictator of the Democrat Party, people are starting to remember what an awful person she is. She’s definitely ambitious. She’s spent her entire adult life climbing the greasy pole of politics. But Harris is also a megalomaniac with a dose of narcissistic personality disorder thrown in. A letter that was written by the father of a Kamala Harris intern back in 2019 is suddenly going viral again, now that she’s a heartbeat away from the presidency.
Terry McAteer is a California Democrat and was a Kamala Harris supporter when he penned the letter. His son Gregory had had a soul-crushing job as an intern in Kamala Harris’s office when she was California’s Attorney General.
One of the first things that Gregory was instructed when he went to work for Harris was that he must “never address Harris nor look her in the eye as that privilege was only allowed to senior staff members.”
Or else what? It makes you wonder how many staffers Kamala has rage-fired over the years for making eye contact with her.
For those who don’t remember, First Lady Hillary Clinton had a similar strain of megalomania when she lived at the White House with her more accomplished husband. She always had an aide clear the hallways at the White House so she wouldn’t have to walk near the little people or make eye contact with them.
McAteer also noted that Kamala Harris’s staffers were under strict orders to stand up when she entered the room at the start of the workday, and say, “Good morning, General.” She ordered them to do this. If you have to personally demand that your underlings show you respect, you’re probably doing the whole leadership thing wrong.
Kamala Harris is also shockingly vulgar and crass when the cameras aren’t rolling, as many low-IQ people are. According to McAteer, Harris “drops F-bombs” all day long. The swearing gets even worse when she’s berating or insulting her employees, which happens often.
It was reported earlier this month that Harris has had a 92% staff turnover rate during her time as vice president. According to one former staffer, she treats everyone around her “like sh*t.” The constant screaming, drama, and profanity make her staffers contemplate suicide, or possibly a job gutting whales in the Arctic. Anything but working for Kamala another day!
Despite working in Kamala’s office for a month, she never introduced herself to Gregory McAteer or even spoke to him. Staffers were too afraid to introduce him to her. The risk of Kamala throwing a conniption fit was just too great. When the month was up, he received a lousy “Thank You” form letter with her signature stamped on it.
Kamala Harris’s main problem is that she is a fraud and she knows she’s a fraud. She is mediocre and not very intelligent, and she knows she has received DEI promotions to reach a level of power far beyond her capabilities. It’s why she cackles whenever a reporter asks her a slightly difficult question. She believes if she just laughs the question away, maybe no one will realize that she’s too stupid to answer.
People like Kamala have no business being anywhere near the reins of power. They’re far too fragile and sensitive. A “President” Kamala Harris would be willing to send your sons and daughters to die in a war after some perceived slight from a foreign leader.