If you want to know what the future would look like under the Green New Deal, look no further than Europe this winter. The massive wind farms being set up to make the EU uglier and dirtier are failing to produce enough electricity to keep the lights and heat on. Just how bad is the situation for consumers? Look at your most recent home electric bill. Multiply the amount owed by 200. That’s how bad it is in southern Sweden right now because of the World Economic Forum’s Green New Deal.
The problem is multifaceted and was completely foreseeable to anyone with common sense. Germany is the economic powerhouse of the EU. Under the European Union “agreement,” none of the countries in Europe are still sovereign nations. When the unelected oligarchs in charge of the EU tell the member nations to throw open their borders to millions of savages from the Middle East and Africa, they have to throw open their borders.
When the EU told Germany to shut down its highly effective, zero-carbon-producing nuclear power plants and replace them with dopey windmills, Germany was forced to comply. Germany has been producing massive offshore wind farms in the North Sea to try to keep its electric grid running.
It’s been widely reported that normal winter weather across the North Sea this year has shut the windmills down completely. They’re not spinning and Germany is several gigawatts of power short of what they need to keep the lights on and keep their manufacturing plants running.
Under EU regulations, if Germany isn’t producing enough electricity for some reason, Sweden is required to pipe electricity to Germany via undersea cables. Sweden is not allowed to charge Germany any extra for the electricity they’re sending.
Naturally, this causes an energy shortage in Sweden, which is passed on to consumers. Because the Swedes are now subsidizing Germany’s power deficit, electricity bills in southern Sweden have increased by 200X over what people in northern Sweden are paying. If your power bill is normally $100 a month, it’s now suddenly $20,000 a month because Germany shut down its nuclear plants and tried to replace them with “green” energy. That number is not a typo.
Looks like the “green” is the cash that consumers have to fork over to cover the costs of switching to stupid windmills.
That doesn’t even look real, does it? How is it possible that a monthly electric bill could cost more than a brand-new Nissan Versa?
It now costs residents in southern Sweden the equivalent of $5 USD to take a 10-minute shower. That’s how much electricity it costs to heat up the water. For a family of four, that’s an extra $20 per day, or $600 per month, just to bathe. Doing laundry, cooking, heating your home, and keeping the lights on during the cold, dark winters in Sweden all add up quickly when you’re forced to subsidize someone else’s bad decisions.
This is what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris had planned to implement in America if they were able to hang onto the White House for another four years. Imagine living in Arizona or Nevada and having your electric bill skyrocket by thousands of dollars per month, just because the retards running California don’t understand how a power grid works.
That’s the Green New Deal in a nutshell. Force people to stop using electricity by making it too expensive, because you belong to a weirdo religious doomsday cult that’s worried about the weather.