One of the most hilarious new phenomena to emerge in the past couple of years is all of our mediocre “experts” and “journalists” who keep outing themselves as lazy hacks by relying on ChatGPT and other AI programs. We already knew that these experts were phonies with a bad case of imposter syndrome, but AI has taken things to a new level. They keep embarrassing themselves on a national scale every time they try to pass off disastrous AI writing and research as their own work.
Ana Navarro, one of the hags on The View, recently clowned herself on X.com by trying to play whataboutism with Hunter Biden’s pardon. Check out the levels of stupidity in this tweet:
Woodrow Wilson pardoned his brother-in-law, Hunter deButts.
Bill Clinton pardoned his brother, Roger.
Donald Trump pardoned his daughter’s father-in-law, Charlie Kushner. And just appointed him Ambassador to France.
But tell me again how Joe Biden “is setting precedent”? 🤣🤣
— Ana Navarro-Cárdenas (@ananavarro) December 2, 2024
Oh, right! Hunter deButts! For those who don’t know, Hunter deButts is a French name that loosely translates as “seeker of derrieres.” Not to be confused with Seymour Butts, the great American author of “Under the Bleachers.”
Obviously, we’re having fun at the mentally challenged Ms. Navarro’s expense. We’re fairly certain she’s never read a book. If she were a smart person, she would have instantly recognized that Hunter deButts is a fake name. Most of us didn’t even have to glance at Wikipedia to realize that President Woodrow Wilson never had a brother-in-law named Hunter deButts and he certainly never pardoned him.
So, how did Navarro manage to make such an idiotic blunder on the world stage?
She later fessed up that ChatGPT had given her the info. This woman is on a TV show every day holding herself up as some kind of expert! Granted, it’s not a good TV show. But it entertains dozens of housewives with Trump Derangement Syndrome every day. You’d think she would do some basic double-checking to try to see whether the AI program was lying to her.
This comes on the heels of Stanford University’s “misinformation expert” getting caught using ChatGPT to write a legal brief he filed in Minnesota. The AI that he used to write the brief had fabricated two court cases out of thin air. It’s unclear whether he’s going to face legal consequences for misleading the court, but that’s not the first time “experts” have been busted doing this.
The new leader of the pack of phonies, however, is “journalist” Charles P. Pierce. He wrote an article last week at Esquire telling all Americans to “shut the f*ck up about Hunter Biden.” The big example that he cited to prove his case that all conservatives are hypocrites about the pardon of Joe Biden’s son, was President George H.W. Bush’s pardon of his son Neil.
While Neil Bush does exist and he’s a real person, he’s never been accused of a crime, put on trial for a crime, or convicted of a crime. The closest he came to getting into trouble was during the S&L crisis in the 1980s. He was sued in civil court and settled the case for $50,000. Neil Bush has never done anything that he would need a pardon for. He was never pardoned!
The article caught so much flack on X.com that Esquire had to retract the article completely, although they won’t admit what really happened. It’s clear that Charles P. Pierce used ChatGPT to conduct his research and it came back to bite him in the rear end.
The Poynter Institute recommends that no journalist or expert should use ChatGPT or any other form of AI and try to pass it off as their own work. These AI programs have all the accuracy and personality of a psychotic Fischer Price See & Say. But if you’re a mediocre hack who doesn’t mind making a jackass of yourself in public, it’s a great way to take a shortcut from real writing and research.