Happy New Year! It’s 2025 and that means that California has a boatload of new unconstitutional gun restrictions that are now in effect. Democrats control a supermajority in the state legislature because all of California’s elections are fake. This allows them to come up with and pass laws every year that invent new ways to violate the Second Amendment. Here’s the new garbage that went into effect on January 1st, 2025.
AB 1483: California already passed a law that makes it a crime to purchase more than one handgun in a 30-day period. Assembly Bill 1483 makes this process even more invasive and illegal. Under current law, you can still purchase more than one handgun per month from a private seller. AB 1483 changes the rule so it also applies to private purchases.
One bit of good news is that this law is already facing stiff legal challenges. Thus far, a court has ruled that California cannot enforce this rule while the lawsuits are pending.
AB 1598: This law requires all gun stores to pass out mandatory pamphlets to gun buyers. The pamphlets will inform gun buyers that firearms are dangerous.
Duh! That’s why we’re buying them in the first place! Americans want to purchase dangerous firearms so that we can protect ourselves from criminals like rapists, home invasion burglars, and politicians. We’re not even sure what the point of this new law is.
AB 2917: This law expands the guidelines for gun violence restraining orders to include “hate-based threats.” Good grief. Say something snotty to a politician on social media and you can have a restraining order issued against you for “hate.”
As usual, the law doesn’t explain what exactly constitutes a “hate-based threat.” It mostly seems to mean anything a Democrat doesn’t like.