Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. just can’t seem to get any traction with his flailing presidential campaign. He hasn’t even made the ballot in numerous states, and the whole campaign now seems to be an exercise in futility—especially since the media ignores him completely. He did manage to go viral this week after his interview with Roseanne Barr was posted to social media. During the interview, RFK, Jr. relates a bizarre story about how he planted the body of a dead bear cub in Central Park, NY.
Kennedy and his snooty friends were out falconing one day when they stopped to pick up a road-killed bear cub. RFK, Jr. relates the story to Roseanne about how he had planned to eat the bear, but later ended up sneaking its body into Central Park and staging it to look like someone had killed the bear with a bicycle.
The whole story is weird and you can watch it below. You can’t sit through this weird tale from RFK, Jr. without being reminded that it’s a bit of a time-honored tradition among the Kennedy family to dump a dead body somewhere and run away.
For instance, RFK, Jr.’s first cousin, Michael Skakel, was eventually convicted of one of the most notorious murders in Connecticut history. Back in 1975, 15-year-old Martha Moxley was found dead in her parents’ backyard. Her pants and underwear had been pulled down and she had been beaten to death with a 6-iron. Michael Skakel was the last person to be seen with her when she was still alive the night before.
When police questioned him, Skakel seemed to have an airtight alibi. He told the cops he had been masturbating up in a tree the night before while peeping in the neighbors’ windows. The very tree that he said he’d been masturbating in was the one in the Moxley family’s backyard where Martha’s body was found with Skakel’s DNA on it.
No one was charged with the crime initially. Michael Skakel was sent away to the Élan School, which is a boarding school and mental health treatment facility for troubled youths. Two witnesses from the school said that Skakel frequently bragged to others, “I’m going to get away with murder. I’m a Kennedy.”
It took 25 years for prosecutors to finally charge Skakel with the murder. They arrested him in 2000. It was a slam-dunk case for the jury. For years afterward, bleeding heart liberals claimed that Skakel was innocent, mainly by nature of his being a Kennedy. In 2016, RFK, Jr. wrote an OJ-style book about how the real killers were still out there. Skakel was released from prison in a sweetheart deal that allowed him out if he wore a GPS ankle monitor at all times.
And who could forget the time when a drunken Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) drove off the Chappaquiddick Bridge and left his girlfriend, Mary Jo Kopechne, in the car to die? Kennedy managed to get out of the submerged car, which had an air bubble trapped in it because of the way the car came to rest on the bottom of the pond.
Kennedy’s childishly transparent alibi was that he was wandering around for the next nine hours in shock while not helping Mary Jo escape from the car. (He was sobering up before talking to police.) According to the diver who recovered her body and the coroner who examined her, poor Mary Jo had slowly and painfully suffocated in the back of the car while her US Senator boyfriend didn’t do anything to try to save her.
So, the Kennedys are not exactly strangers to dumping dead bodies and running away. The good news is that at least in RFK, Jr.’s case, it wasn’t the body of a dead girl that he dumped.
Here’s the bizarre story from his interview with Roseanne:
RFK Jr. tells the bizarre story about how he drove around with a dead bear cub in his trunk and then planted it in Central Park to make it look like it got hit by a biker
He released this video before the story dropped for damage control pic.twitter.com/pDiyRofiJv
— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) August 4, 2024