Kamala Harris was born to two foreign parents who were on temporary visas in the United States in 1964. Neither her mother nor father were American citizens when she was born. Even in a best-case scenario, she would only be an anchor baby and, therefore, constitutionally ineligible to run for president. Technically, she wasn’t even an anchor baby in 1964, since the whole anchor baby nonsense was invented by a footnote in a 1982 Supreme Court case. She is a foreigner, and therefore, she should never be allowed to serve as president, even if Democrats manage to steal the 2024 election.
Under the Constitution, only a “natural born citizen” is allowed to serve as President of the United States. A person must meet three criteria to be legally considered a natural born citizen. First, they must be born in the United States. Second, their mother must be an American citizen. Third, their father must be an American citizen.
Kamala Harris fails at two of those three constitutional tests. Her mother was a citizen of India when she was born. Her father was a citizen of Jamaica. Her mother emigrated to the US in 1960, and her father came here on a visa in 1961. Since Kamala was born in 1964, neither one of her parents had been here long enough to qualify for American citizenship. Under US immigration laws, it takes a minimum of five years to become an American citizen (or three years if an immigrant marries an American).
Contrary to the childishly idiotic arguments of liberals, the 14th Amendment was not written to allow the babies of foreigners to automatically become Americans if they’re born here. The 14th Amendment was written to prevent Southern Democrats from deporting the babies of freed black slaves to Africa in the sort of petulant fits of racism that Democrats are known for. That was the sole purpose of the 14th Amendment—to stop Democrats from deporting black babies.
The actual “anchor baby” policy that somehow confers citizenship to babies via the magical dirt of US soil was not invented out of thin air until 1982 when Kamala Harris was 18 years old. That was the year when liberal Justice John Brennan slipped this footnote into a Supreme Court decision:
“No plausible distinction with respect to Fourteenth Amendment ‘jurisdiction’ can be drawn between resident aliens whose entry into the United States was lawful, and resident aliens whose entry was unlawful.”
That Supreme Court footnote—which is not legally binding in any way, shape, or form—is the sole reason why America has an “anchor baby” policy to this day. Even though Justice Brennan claimed that there’s no way to tell the difference between a legal or illegal immigrant, there is one distinction. One is here legally and the other is here ILLEGALLY.
Anyway, Kamala Harris is not a lawful “natural born citizen” of the United States. The Trump campaign should sue to have her kicked off the Democrat Party’s ballot because she is constitutionally ineligible to serve as president. Cases that were filed against Barack Obama’s eligibility because of his birth in Kenya were always “dismissed without standing” because the plaintiffs were private citizens (which makes no sense at all). Since Donald Trump is no ordinary citizen and is running for president, the courts might determine that he does have standing to challenge Kamala’s eligibility. As bad as Kenyan Barack Obama’s eight years in office were for the country, we don’t dare subject ourselves to another four or eight years with Indian-Jamaican foreigner Kamala Harris in office.