The anti-science leaders of Denmark have decided to cripple their agriculture industry by imposing the world’s first tax on livestock farts. The tax is set to go into effect in 2030 and will nearly triple by 2035. The goal is to reduce methane emissions to save everyone from the weather.
Starting in 2030, farmers who own pigs and cows will be charged the equivalent of $43 USD for every metric ton of farts their farms generate. In 2035, the tax will increase to about $107.50 per metric ton of pig and cow farts. We assume that between now and 2030, Danish climate scientists will be figuring out a way to calculate just how many farts make up a metric ton.
The Green Tripartite minister (whatever that is) says that Denmark is going to “do what it takes to reach our climate goals.”
That’s nice.
If anyone thinks this is a smart idea, we’d encourage you to look into all the published studies on so-called “greenhouse gases” that have been conducted by radiation physicists in the past two years. According to all the latest scientific research from real scientists, the amount of methane—the primary gas in animal farts—in our atmosphere is trivial.
Plus, methane doesn’t actually block radiation (heat), so it can’t impact global temperatures one way or another. You could increase the amount of methane in the atmosphere by a factor of 100 tomorrow or reduce it to zero, and it wouldn’t do anything to impact the climate.
The real goal of these climate cultists is to disrupt the food supply until it causes mass starvation around the globe. If they make it too expensive for farmers to raise livestock by taxing farts, there will be less food on the store shelves and the prices will become exorbitant. That’s the real goal and it has nothing to do with science.