Canada’s capital city is ringing in the New Year by making residents freeze their butts off before driving to and from work. Under a new by-law passed by the City of Ottawa, residents are no longer allowed to use a remote starter to warm up their cars for longer than one minute before their morning commute. It doesn’t matter how cold it is outside. The city government claims that will save everyone from the weather by preventing them from warming up their vehicles in the morning, or after work in the evening. The cops can even come on your private property to issue a citation if they catch you idling a vehicle for longer than 60 seconds.
Ottawa is extremely cold in the winter, so the remote start feature that is standard on most new automobiles is extremely convenient. The average nighttime low in December is 16 degrees Fahrenheit. In January it’s 7 degrees and in February it’s 9 degrees. It can take 20 to 30 minutes of idling with the defrost on just to get the ice off your windshield at those temperatures.
Unfortunately, Canada’s climate cops will come looking for you and give you a citation if your car idles longer than 60 seconds. If temperatures are below freezing, you are allowed to sit in your car for up to 10 minutes while it warms up. But if it’s idling and you’re not in the car freezing your tail off, you only get 60 seconds.
Since it’s a crazy idea and it’s related to the weather, you already know what this is all about. Ottawa is going to save its residents from the weather by forcing them to freeze to death out in the cold. That’s how “global warming” works. Somehow.
As the city notes on its website warning of the new rule, “We are lowering greenhouse gas emissions and improving Ottawa’s air quality.”
It’s amazing that it is 2025 and any adult anywhere in the world still believes in global warming. Just in the past few months, researchers have proven that the ice sheet in Antarctica has actually been growing for the past 30 years—not shrinking, as the global warming true believers have claimed. Another team revealed that the ice sheet in Greenland has been getting colder for the past 20 years. It’s not at risk of melting and flooding Manhattan anytime soon, despite the dire warnings from the World Economic Forum.
In the past two years, five separate teams of radiation physicists have published five independent studies proving that carbon dioxide is not a greenhouse gas. They don’t speculate about this using wild computer models making predictions about what’s going to happen 150 years from now. They prove it with objective math that anyone with the proper know-how can repeat.
Long story short—global warming is not real. Yet the city government in Ottawa is now making life even more miserable for Canadians by banning them from warming up their cars before the morning commute.
Even if you were gullible enough to believe in global warming at this point, Canada is not a populous country. As a nation, it only contributes 1.6% of all the carbon emissions in the entire world. Meanwhile, the communists in China are still firing up an average of two new coal-burning plants every single week. Even if you completely eliminated all of Canada’s carbon footprint, China would replace it in about five weeks.
When are people going to wake up to the fact that global warming is all one gigantic hoax?